Church Council News
Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Day (IRAD) Recap
This year, we joined over 500 other Washingtonians at WAISN’s Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Day in Olympia. Co-Executive Director Joey Lopez represented us…and he had to attend alone…
Why I'm Voting Yes on Prop 1A!
This coming Tuesday, February 11, is an opportunity to invest in our communities by funding social housing. I’m voting YES on Prop 1A, and I hope you will join me!
Immigration Organizing Faith Convening Recap!
Last week, the Church Council hosted a powerful Immigration Organizing Faith Convening at First Church Seattle. We shared how we will be showing up in deep solidarity and mutual accountability with our migrant neighbors in the months and years to come, including through the relaunch of the Sanctuary Network.
Vote YES on Prop 1A & Forum
This February 2025, Seattleites will be voting on initiative Prop 1A which has huge implications for funding a new housing tool in Seattle – social housing. Learn more about the campaign and an upcoming forum at the Church Council.
You’re Invited: Immigration Organizing Faith Convening
We invite the community to join us for an Immigration Organizing Faith Convening on January 16. Through this gathering, we will share how we will be showing up in deep solidarity and mutual accountability with our migrant neighbors in the months and years to come.
We’re Hiring…
We’re hiring a Contract: Events Coordinator to play an integral role, collaboratively coordinating 2 larger events and supporting ad hoc events through May 2025.
Endings & Beginnings
Church Council staff share their proudest moments in 2024, and what they are looking forward to in 2025! We also say goodbye to E.N. West, Lead Organizer for the Faith Land Initiative.
Seattle City Budget: Our Work Made an Impact
Seattle city budget wrap-up: We are disappointed that City Council did not ensure the original JumpStart spending plan, allowing City Council to keep using JumpStart revenue as a slush fund to fill the city’s revenue shortfall. We believe the city needs more progressive revenue sources in addition to JumpStart. However, it is clear that our witness had an impact on Council members.
2024-2025 Faith Land Discernment Cohort Gathers for the first session:"Faith, Race, & Land"
Our November 9, our 2024-2025 Faith Land Discernment Cohort (FLDC) gathered at Queen Anne United Methodist Church to begin their learning journey together!
Stewarding the Church Council's 105 Year Legacy
The growing support for the Church Council gives us hope for our shared work together. This fall, we are inviting you to match this commitment with your financial support.
Got something to share on the Community Bulletin Board? Submit it to us for consideration any time.