Faith Land Initiative
The Faith Land Initiative accompanies, facilitates, and convenes faith communities in King County, WA to faithfully and equitably steward land and other assets toward acts of dignity restoration and community stewardship of land.
We believe that this is a moment that invites us to deep discernment of our role, our calling, and where we go from here.
The Faith Land Initiative was conceived in 2019 by Joey Ager, Michael Ramos, and E.N. “E” West. Joey and E.N. were operating within two distinct worlds: the predominately & historically white congregations experiencing decline in their physical facilities, membership, and finances, who were asset rich but often lacked visions for their future, and the other within communities of color where E.N. discovered tremendous vision but often lacked access to capital, space, and assets to bring their plans to fruition. These communities knew their land could be developed to curb displacement if they had the resources. It occurred to Joey and E.N. to bridge these two communities, showing each that the “other side” had what they needed. The FLI pilot program was launched in 2020 with the ideal to transform peoples’ relationships to each other, with the wider community, and to the land; ultimately to bridge disparate communities such that radical acts of dignity restoration and community stewardship of land could happen all over the Puget Sound region.
Over the past few years, we have been thinking with faith communities and many community partners exploring the following questions:
What are we called to be in this moment as stewards of land, buildings, space, and other assets?
How can local faith communities embody reflective, relational, and impactful strategies rooted in their mission?
What do we need to pay particular attention to in the midst of the economic, social, political, and spiritual moment we are in?
These collaborations have led us to supporting faith communities to practice discernment about faithful stewardship of buildings, parking lots, parsonages, land, and other assets within our faith communities.

Let’s work together
Interested in working together? Please reach out to E.N. We can't wait to hear from you!
Resource Library
Our online Resource Library is a bank for our curriculum and supplemental materials to support the FLI network in taking action.
Brain Trust
Our relational Brain Trust includes experienced faith communities, faith leaders, policy experts, land trusts, and values-aligned real estate professionals committed to supporting our network with taking transformative action.
Faith Land Discernment Cohort
We convene and facilitate 6-month cohort process which combines faith rooted community organizing practices and anti-racism frameworks to support equitable and faithful discernment toward community stewardship of land.
Direct Accompaniment
We offer individualized support for faith communities in our network, including facilitation, coaching, and resourcing.
The FLI Network includes 15+ faith communities who are practicing faithful and equitable discernment of faith-owned land toward community stewardship of land.
Following the leadership of impacted communities, we advocate for policy change which supports community stewardship of land.